About the Digital Archives

Avatar's Abode Trust Archives

This portal into the digitised collections of the Avatar’s Abode Trust Archives is regularly updated. The documents shown here are a small percentage of the entire collection, as the task of digitising each of the tens of thousands of individual sheets of paper from the files and folders of documents kept by Francis Brabazon and other close Australian disciples of Meher Baba, is ongoing and considerable. A small team of volunteers is slowly working on the detailed cataloguing of each document in the collection, a task that will take many years.

Following the lead provided by the archive team from the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust in India, we are using software which allows the Archives to maintain a server-based database of these documents and the portal you are using enables the public to view a selection of these documents. Welcome to the Avatar’s Abode Trust Digital Archives.

48 Meher Rd Woombye,
Queensland 4559, Australia